Over the past several months, I have been assembling a Study
dealing with the life and times of Satan, the Devil. It is my intention to
release the First Draft in a few weeks.
I have provided the Draft of the last Chapter at:
This Chapter deals with Satan in the 20th and 21st
centuries. As such, it is the tail at the end of the dog. You do not know what
the body looks like, so there will be loose ends.
Nevertheless, I am seeking your suggestions as well as your
This Chapter includes a Section with quotations on
Satan/Devil/demons by the Watchtower Society [WTS]. Please tell me:
1. Am I presenting the WTS
correctly or have I made mistakes?
2. Are there better
quotations that I should consider as replacements?
Are there additional quotations that I should consider?
If you have replacement or additional quotations, you need to
provide me with accurate and comprehensive details of the passage and its
Thank you,